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[PyrNet-L] Pyr Related Story:"Groomer to the Stars"

I received the following reply back from Todd, he's listed as a
volunteer expert at http://www.allexperts.com on Dogs, especially the
grooming of dogs. He noted in his Bio that he has many Celebrity clients
for his mobile grooming service. I asked him if he has any celeb clients
with Pyrs as pets. I also mentioned that Candace Bergan is noted as
owning (owned?) Pyrs.

Here's his reply: (Re-posted to the list with Todd's permission!)

 It has been a unique relationship, as I work
mobile and not only get to know the celebs and their dogs, but this
all happens within their homes! It certainly has turned me blase
about star siting... Was recently in the big supermarket in Pacific
Palisades (The true Beverly Hills of L.A.) and my friends were ooing
and aahing because Anthony Hopkins was there shopping... It didn't
even phase me--which is a good thing, as they are just people who put
their pants on one leg at a time same as us!

I remember when I first started grooming in L.A. a dozen years ago,
and saw my first Great Pyrenees--I was awe struck and instantly in
love. But not for their showy snow white looks, but rather from the
mellow and sweet personalty. They are one of the breeds that if I had
room, I would love to adopt.

I think though that they need heavy socializing as puppies (more than
a more social breed like a poodle or lab) as I have noticed them to
have a tendency to be "one family" dogs and not be enthusiastic about
strangers. Although I recently meet two Pyr's at the dog park that
were as friendly and social as any lab!

They have always had a good following here among the "rich and
famous". I have started to notice them a little more as of late, and
even know one family that bought a puppy from a pet store in Century
City that was (they are now closed) notorious for selling puppy mill
pups; this always concerns me when a puppy reaches the popularity
level that causes it be over-breed, effectively destroying the
temperament of the breed (golden retrievers that bite, cockers that
are high strung and moody,etc.). I have always been told that it hard
to find a Pyr puppy for too much under $1000, and that breeders tend
to be a little discerning about who they sell too (looking out for
backyard breeders). So hopefully this will deter the breed from being

Unfortunately,I can't ever remember a celebrity with a Pyr to tell
you about,. I have never meet Candance Bergan, but am glad to hear
she has such excellent taste!

As a side note, my brother in law is pure French Basque, his family
only one generation removed from the Pyrenees, and he is a sheep
rancher all over California (they graze on leased land from the state
and move about according to season). He carries on the tradition from
family ways in Basque country. I have had several talks with him
about the Great Pyrenees, as this is still one of the dogs most
revered for sheeping. He says that more and more American Basque
sheepers are utilizing Australian shepards due to their relentless
excellence in working, but that most true Basque's feel that to be
true sheepers you must have a few white giants strutting around the

Good luck with your wonderful dogs!



_________________/   __/   __/   __/   __/   __/   __/   __/
  Todd March
Los Angeles, California

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