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Re: [PyrNet-L] Another Newbie!

In a message dated 9/1/99 12:07:47 PM EST, designabilities@linkline.com 

<< I
 have a small flock of poultry, and I was wondering if anyone had any tips on
 training her for "guardian duties" with the flock? >>

Welcome to the "group" - hope your "little" bundle of fluff is truely an 

Now, about pyrs and poultry.  We have chickens and geese.  Kes, Baron, and 
Tanuki all respect them, as these three were pretty much grew up with the 
fowl.  Zoe, however, had never so much as seen a bird until she arrived here 
in South Carolina.  So, she thinks these are great things to chase.....until 
Mummy yells at her and quickly whisks her back in the house.  I would start 
your Angle with the poultry as you would any other livestock animal.  
Possibly put her in a crate, or other enclosed area, where the poultry can be 
at liberty around her, and she can see them and get use to their movements 
and sounds, but not chase them.  Gradually, let her out with the poultry - 
first with supervision, and gradually unsupervised, as you learn to trust her 
and she learns her duties.   Also, do you handle your poultry.  I know with 
our chickens, I pick them up quite often, and I think they then have my scent 
on them.  The dogs know that this is "mummy's chicken" and have less of a 
tendency to go after them.

Good luck - Robyn