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Re: Re(2): Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Help! Anais is eating my car!

On 31 Aug 99, at 19:24, Janice Swenson wrote:

> Over the years the vehicles have just seemed to be 
> getting bigger and bigger.  Had a Colt Vista station wagon which 
> did o.k. and I got real good at packing dogs and crates in it.  The 
> current vehicle really does work well though, Dodge Caravan.  

This past July I went to Colorado and needed to transport 3 pyrs.  I 
have a Ford Explorer which routinely hold two crates, with room for 
water and all the doggy stuff.  Where would I put the 3rd Pyr?  I 
pulled the back crate as far back as I could and the front crate 
right up behind the front seat.  In between was a space of about 20" 
wide. So I slipped Pyr # 3 in that space, hooked a vari-kennel door 
over the open end and packed the water and food in front of that, a 
ready made crate.  Rescue Rita got the honors of the tiny space and 
she really liked standing up and resting her head on top of the crate 
in front of her. I must say the a/c got a real workout with those 3 
bodies wearing fur coats.  I can see in the not too distant future, a 
bigger vehicle is in order.  But I must say I keep getting this 
visual image of those cute, new little Volkswagons, with pyrs crammed 
in everywhere, maybe I am driving or a pyr is driving, wearing sun 
glasses, a beret and an elbow resting on the window sash, pyr ears 
flapping in the breeze.  Hmm, do you think yellow would be a good 

Taos, New Mexico