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[PyrNet-L] In shock

Oh Tracy this is awful. I remember when Tania (Ron's wife) got her 1st
Pyrenean and the lovely pics of their wedding at a dog show last year. Was
just reading 2 days ago an article in the Mountaineer written by Ron. Having
been witness 2 weeks ago to an accident on our way to the Napier shows with
my two dear friends in the van behind me, it's everyone's nightmare. Our
Mary had to be cut out of the van by the fire brigade while I was dragged
away by 2 more firemen to stop me getting to Mary. Driver, my other old
friend Chris was in shock with cuts and bruises and Mary spent a week in an
induced coma.Still in hospital but slowly getting better. 2 Pyrs in van were
okay thank God. Sure shook Lavina and I up but at least our dear friends are
going to be alright. I feel so sad for Tania and Family.
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://homepages.msn.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/1920/ and the site of the PMDC at
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/6339/ and my latest Site