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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr weight and size

In a message dated 99-08-19 14:51:39 EDT, you write:

<< 130 pounds would be
 rather large for a female.  Females should be 25 inches to 29 inches tall at
 the shoulder (mature, 2-3 years) and weigh, I believe, about 90 - 115
 pounds.  Males 27 - 32 inches at the shoulder and about 100 - 125 pounds. >>

OK - lets see if we can get this right this time - I must have a gremlin in 
the machine this morning!

According to the Standard Visulization and Commentary, 

"Size:  The height at the withers ranges from 27 inches to 32 inches for dogs 
and from 25 inches to 29 inches for bitches.  A 27 inch dog weighs about 100 
pounds and a 25 inch bitch weighs about 85 pounds.  Weight is in proportion 
to the overall size and structure."  

Later on in their discussion they say "Size and weight are important, but 
only if the total dog is in balance and presents an image of elegance and 

I like that "elegance" part :-)