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[PyrNet-L] Re: vacation & how to use No Mail

   Know the list has gone through some changes in listserver and my 
instructions are from over a year ago.  How do we activate the NO MAIL 
feature before leaving on vacation? 
  Tonight we leave for the East Coast for a week:  Baltimore, Deleware, NY, 
Connecticut and maybe NJ!   We are flying instead of driving as we have yet 
to get our new PyrMobile with front & rear Air Conditioning!!  I said Albert 
and I would not drive in that heat wave temp. without it!!  (We do not either 
one handle the high heat well.)   So we found a great deal on airfares and it 
was then feasible to fly there.  And then we will rent a car when we arrive 
in Baltimore at airport. (WITH A/C!!)  
   So Albert & Mattie are staying at home with my 23 yr. old son Steve and 
not coming along.  Two separations from them in a few weeks!!  ARGH!!  (I had 
to leave them at home during BP, too.)  Hubby rearranged the way we feed and 
give them water before we leave.  Now they can be fed and given fresh 
filtered water without someone having to enter the kennel!!  (Amazing what 
you can accomplish with an old motorcycle fender!!  And a few buckets 
fastened to the fence!!)  The reason for this is that my son let Albert get 
loose when we were at BP.   :(      So this way he can feed them without 
opening the gate.  Then he only has to open the gate when his hands are NOT 
full, with the possible exception of LEASHES!!!  So then he can better manage 
to close and latch the gate upon entering the kennel!!  I was so worried 
about leaving Albert after he got loose!!  Now feel much better!!  They will 
still get attention, but not be as apt to get loose now as it is easier to 
latch the gate when hands are not full of 2 pitchers of filtered water and 
two separate containers of food!!  We even stocked up on pre-filtered water, 
too, so Steve doesn't even have to filter the water himself.
   Well, busy doing my laundry and packing!!  Will check for message on 
changing to NO MAIL before leaving though. 
   Will be a fun trip, but still anxious to get back home, though!!

:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

See Albert's photo at:   

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.