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Re: [PyrNet-L] Lexi,Breed, showing & me

    Even though (so far) in my "puppy agreement" it is stated that the
purchaser is to have the pup spayed/neutered by a certain time or I get the
pup back, I fully agree with early spay/neutering.  Many animal shelters are
now doing spay/neuters on 8 week old puppies and kittens to protect them.  I
do not agree with anything that puppy mills do or stand for, but as shelters
are doing this (early spay/neuters) it must be fine.  One of my
veterinarians says he would rather not spay/neuter at 8 weeks, although he
has, due to trying to keep their body temperature, etc. at the correct
level, but he says that their reproductive organs are fully developed and
that if need be it can be done and that a spay/neuter at 11 weeks of age is
perfectly alright.
    I don't know who has been saying what to you Judith but if I'm not
misunderstanding it must not have been very nice.  I see nothing wrong with
your views or your illness and as you said, many Pyr people (Show and
Breeding) have had or do have disabilities, etc.  I hope you don't think I'm
stepping out of line, but just overlook any discrimination that whoever has
thrown your way.
    Well, that's all I have to say for now.

Rajah and Moses
West Union, WV

>Hi pyr Pals,
>    It has been starting as I knew it would have to, even pyr people,
>meaning well are human. form some in private e-mail. My disclosure was a
>risk, that I had to take. I needed to be honest 'here'.
>     There was an innuendo that I, of all people, <VBG>. might be N/S
>early all the puppies early like a puppy mill, etc.
>    Not so! I have been in touch with some of the best pyr breed & show
>people that I know, who are  well known and highly respected. Some
>breeder's N/S do this too,not too early for the same reasons as I am
>planning. ( I never mentioned 8 wk., S/N although I am open to change by
>my mentor's! I mentioned at 11 wk., with the pet pyrs leaving here at 12
>wk..) I am planning only to early S/N the Pet Quality puppies, to ensure
>that a pyr pup pet buyer cannot ruin our beloved breed. There are enough
>people that breach contract stories ( even with paper's being held until
>the puppy buyer S/N.) I've heard to feel very comfortable about this.
>There are pro's about this early S/N as well as con's. One pyr breed
>wrongly, can be responsible for an awful lot of 'bad blooded pyrs being
>breed & sold, even to puppy mills!
>    It seems that someone thinks I have some infection. I do not!
>    The manic depression illness I have is almost always very well
>controlled through medication and such. It is a chemical imbalance of
>the brain, like alcoholism ( which is a disease), like many mental
>illness, it is mental, physical, emotional & spiritual.
>    It is NOT a MORAL Issue. But, some are certainly free to look at it
>that way.
>    Saying anymore now, would be a bother to me. There are Web Sites &
>books for those that need clarification.
>    Scott Cook, if you around and don't mind, would you please post
>those many web sites here on early S/N? If not, it's cool.
>    I cannot do this now for you. I can tell you that some of the web
>pages not the address has these initials: NFGP.
>    Many, many, breed & or show pyr people have disabilities, diseases,
>mental illness. My task has always been to see & be copassionate of them
>and myself, and that they have a right to do whatever they do around
>their pyrs or anything else, just as we all do. I am not anyone's,
>mother, therapist, enabler, judge or jury, et
>    I am no better and no worse that anyone else on this earth. And that
>is also how I look at other people.
>    *They* are none of my business. I have allowed you to be part of
>mine, for now. I'm glad that I have!
>    That's it guys!!
>    I'll be happy to clear thing's like this up sometimes. But, I will
>not defend myself. I don't have to. For now, I am happy to explain some
>thing's as they come up, due to my post. It's cool! It's worth it! I
>have loved, breed, once and had 4 Great Pyrs in 15 years. I am a *Great*
>pyr mommy! I love my pyrs 2nd only to Lee, my husband, in that I'd risk
>my life for Lee & for them if need be! No real kid's for me, by choice!
>I never wanted my own kid's, and I adore other peoples. Since 3 years of
>age all I'v wanted for kid's has been 'pyr babies"! LOL! My family now
>is Lee, is my Lex & Jo. Maybe all that's truely important is that my
>many pyr friends that know me, know this to be true!
>    Hope it's cool to the rest of you to continue here on the list with
>this pyrenees treasure trove of information! <BG>
>    Yours in pyr spirit,
>    Judith, Mommy Lexi & Jonah
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