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Re: [PyrNet-L] the Barkster

In a message dated 99-07-19 10:05:29 EDT, you write:

<< Recently (within the last two or 
 three months) Paddy has begun to bark **non-stop**.  He literally will bark 
 for hours on end... and I mean h*o*u*r*s.  He lays on his chair, in his 
 on the stairwell landing - any where - and barks at nothing. >>

Geee - and we thought Kes was the "Barkathon".  

Couple questions - how old is Paddy again?  Could this habit be because he 
wants attention?  I've noticed when we let Kes out first thing she does is 
run to the corner of the yard closest to the neighbors and starts to bark.  
There's no one there - it's as though she justs wants to announce to the 
world "Good morning!  I'm here!!!".  Guess our neighbors are either use to 
this - or deaf :-)

Good luck, Robyn