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Re: [PyrNet-L] Housebreaking

In a message dated 99-07-13 16:41:17 EDT, you write:

<<  did anyone else's Pyre have little relapses like this? >>

Yes - we have had relapses like this, and actually with a "mature" dog.  Kes, 
now about 2 1/2 years old, was always in the house.  We could leave her in 
all day while we were gone, and never had a problem.  Well, about 3 weeks 
ago, she was in only for a short while, and kindly peed on the living room 
carpet!  Don't know why - but believe that while she had been outside, she 
was more interested in in coming inside to see her "daddy", that she didn't 
take time to go potty.  She was our first pup, and we incorrectly potty 
trained her by just letting her outside to take care of herself.  Never again!

Good luck - Robyn