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Re: [PyrNet-L] Breeding

>an answer to all your  questions  kerry  she is  31/2 years old  ofa  clear
>and has allready had two  litters.i pretty  much  no  what  i am  looking
>for  when i see  just  am not sure  how to  track  these local breeders
>down.   i am  breeding  because  a/  iluv  the breed  and b/  i want  a
>male  from  her  hope that  clears  a few things up.
>thanks  maryellen

Does anyone know of a Pyr club up around Vancouver that Maryellen could go
to for advice?

You might want to check out the GPCA website too
The code of ethics and rescue sections are worth a read.

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia