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[PyrNet-L] RE: pyrnet-l-digest.19990626-2

	Let's face it.  Pyrs are too big, too smart, and too independent not
to be trained.  My philosophy is the sooner the better.  I helped my friend
raise her pyr pup before I got smart and got my own.  Montana Bear was top
of his class in Puppy Obedience and in the regular obedience classes.  

	Somebody is going to be alpha in your house.  If you wait too long,
guess who it will be.

	Jack Mowery and Belle (So when do we start classes, daddy?) of the
Amarillo Mountains

	Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 20:12:08 -0500
	From: janices@jump.net
	Subject: Re: [PyrNet-L] Question:

	On 17 Jun 99, at 12:27, Tony Leopold wrote:
	> I'm going to be tacky and respond to me own post b/c I feel that I
	> clarify that I realize, as a breed, Pyreness aren't the best or
	> dogs to train or take to obedience classes. But I'm sure some, if
	> many, have done it and I'm curious as to how it worked out.

	Really, I better not tell Sonny this<vbg>...........  I look at it
	this...... Every dog is an individual and I train to that dog's
	and personality.  Not to be tacky either but if I go around saying 
	that pyrs aren't easy to train I have just set myself up for failure
	a trainer when, imho, as a breed pyrs are very versatile in what 
	they can do if the effort is put into them.  

	Janice, janices@jump.net
	Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
	Leander, TX