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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr Good Morning

On 17 Jun 99, at 8:26, Dianne Migas wrote:

> my boy wakes up happy like that every day - BUT he greets me by
> practically rolling me out of bed with his paw.   A few times quick
> reflexes with my foot being placed on the floor have prevented me from
> rolling right onto the floor! 

Ah those sweet memories!

My father adored our little puppy Mishka.  One of the reasons I got 
her was to brighten his life, as he was aging and dealing with all 
the emotions that go along with losing his mate, not being able to go 
and do as before.

Every morning I would bring Mishka in after her run and she would 
head down the hall to my fathers bedroom.  If he was still in bed, 
she would nudge him until he woke and I would hear this sweet 
conversation.  If he was already up, she would push open the bathroom 
door and head right in for her morning back rub.

As Mishka grew, she reached that wild puppy stage and would tear down 
the hall, running full bore into the bedroom.  One morning I was 
watching and she took a flying leap right up onto the bed.  I just 
knew my father had been crushed.  Then I heard, "well, you finally 
made it".

Taos, New Mexico