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Re: Re: [PyrNet-L] early spaying/neutering & squatting males

In a message dated 5/8/99 8:55:51 AM, you wrote:
<<Alas peer pressure may change that!!  Albert used to just squat, but after 
seeing his dad and other male dogs lift a leg, now when marking for 
territory, he lifts his leg.   Think the higher they mark the more they feel 
like "Top Dog"!!!  Trying to revive one bush now. >>

Actually, I think it's probably instinct, not patterning or peer pressure. 
Hawkeye was only a few months old when he was blinded. He had never seen 
another dog. He was still squatting to pee. After the accident, I took him 
away from "Those Awful People", and stuck him in a crew of females. At this 
point he was no more than five or six months old, still squatting, blind as a 
bat. So he never saw a male dog lift a leg, never was among males to know by 
mental telepathy, or crotch sniffing, or any other connection. Yet, at about 
18 months he started lifting his leg! We'd had him neutered as soon as he 
began exhibiting sexual behavior, afraid he'd decide to go cruising and get 
himself bumped off. We figured he'd never lift his leg..... oh, well, no big 
This boy was truly amazing. Could walk across the kitchen on his hind legs, 
straight up, then dance around in a tight circle. Hiked, ran, played. Went up 
and down stairs. Remembered my mothers house so well that when we went up 
twice a year he never ran into anything. If he did run into something he was 
never cross, or discouraged, or cowering. He trusted me absolutely, 
completely. Hawkeye had the heart of six dogs, all tied up in that little 
Cock-a-Poo/ terrier body. 
Where was I going with that? 
I just had to say it. He was such a good guy. 

I think your squatting male will eventually figure out how to properly render 
his doggy salute!

Kathy & the furry crew