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Re: [PyrNet-L] size

Charlotte, enjoyed your letter, and appreciated your comments as well.

One thing that I must say about all of this is that everyone is always
commenting about loosing quality with size, almost as an excuse for the
small dogs here ( this comment is not meant to anyone in particular,
please note, or to be specifically negative to anyone, this is a
generalization ).  If this breed were at the largest ends of the dog
( Irish Wolfhounds, Great Danes, Mastiffs or St. Bernards etc. ) I could
see more of this concern.  I'm not saying  that we don't want quality in
the breed, but I think we have a lot of room for better size without
going out of bounds on this.  Just my opinion, mind you! :-)   I have
enjoyed this line, and have been following it closely, so I have
appreciated and thought about all the comments made.  One reason dogs
breed down so easily is because they were never meant to be so big,
nature wants them to return to optimum size.  That's why I think we have
to be so careful not to let that happen if we are trying to keep any
giant breed up to what they were actually created for.  I.M.O.   Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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