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[PyrNet-L] Being sensitive to other dogs feelings & the elderly and their pets

In a message dated 2/3/99 8:06:46 AM Pacific Standard Time, clhenke@juno.com

<< The other thing is, when out as a group, people fuss over the Pyrs. and
 not Su at all.  You would think a small dog would be at least as
 appealing.  I know the big guys are gorgeous, but still.  I consider
 politness when I do doggy greetings, and would never think to slight one
 dog over another, but evidently a lot of people don't think dogs have
 feelings.  It breaks my heart when she is trying so hard to get noticed,
 and I worry about the effects.  >>

   Oh, Poor Su-ling!!  Wish we were closer and I'd love to give her loves,
too!  I am always careful to give all dogs and cats & pets attention when I am
around them, unless they are super-vicious ones.  Makes no difference what
size or how cute or how un-cute!!  They deserve some love and respect!!  (The
absolute worst was when I who really get the willies over spiders actually had
someone want me to hold their pet TARANTULA SPIDER!!!  Really had to draw on
all my strength and acting skills then to pull that one off!!!  YUCK!!! Still
feel like there are spiders crawling all over me when I remember that!!)   I
am so glad you brought up that point to the list of being nice and respectful
and giving attention to all the animals present (unless to do so would be
dangerous, of course!) It is really a good point to make. Maybe it will make a
difference somewhere sometime to some dogs somewhere! 
   I know  I feel bad when people that hate big dogs won't even give Albert a
chance. And Albert looks so sad and confused when people don't want to meet
him!!  He thinks it is his mission in life to greet everyone and allow them to
lavish attention on him!!  My elderly neighbor hates big dogs because one time
about 75 years ago she was attacked by a big dog.  (She wasn't hurt badly, but
was terrified for life of all big dogs!)  I want so bad for her to meet Albert
and see how sweet he is and I am sure it would make a difference.  Yet she is
adamant about not wanting to be around big dogs!!  So I let her see him from
the safety of my van.  Every time I take her to the Dr. or pharmacy or out for
a ride we stop by my house first (I can always think up some excuse why I need
to stop by my house: pick up a roll of film to be developed, or letter to
mail, or something to make a copy of, or library book to return, etc.) she is
in the van and can look out the window and she can see Albert in his pen.  (Of
course he's wishing he could come along on our ride!!)   And I show her photos
of him all the time.  Hopefully one of these days she'll give in to Albert's
charms & allow him a chance for a face to face visit. She and all her family
just have little taco eaters!!!  I help her take care of her dog and trim it's
nails and give it a bath, because otherwise she couldn't keep it. I even go to
another town 30 minutes away to buy it's food cheaper so she can afford to
keep Gypsy easier.  She is always amazed at how much her dog likes me and
isn't at all nervous around me. (Dog had been abused for years before she got
it and doesn't trust easily. Her daughter lived with her for a while and the
dog wouldn't go to her daughter for 11 months!!  It is so important for the
elderly to be able to keep their pets that mean so much to them!  Her dog is
her best friend in the world to her!!

:)  &  :)```  &  :l
(me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling and Mattie recuperating from
Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.