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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Mattie's spay & 2 playmates will have to mellow out; Albert posin'

   Tomorrow I will get up early and take Mattie (Albert's 5 mos. old playmate)
to the vet to get spayed and her shots, etc.  She will stay overnight. Then
comes the hard part: keeping her mellow while she heals.  (Wish the former
owners would have had her spayed at 8 weeks! It is so much easier on the dogs
then and the recuperation time is much less.)  I can keep her crated most of
the time, if need be.  Or have one inside and one in the pen. Although I am
sure she'd whine like crazy!!  Albert won't understand why she can't play....
I am anxious to see what the vet says in the way of post-op instructions.   
   While she is at vet's overnight Albert will pose for more photos. He has a
special one in mind for Joy and all those gal Pyrs out there!!   ....a
seductive one!! 

:)   &  :)```   & :)
(me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling & Mattie grinning!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.