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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Summer clip

clhenke@juno.com wrote:

> I really get so annoyed with people telling me " Oh
> your must spend so much time to keep her that way " or " I am far too
> busy to mess with all that hair ".  Truth is, 10 minutes a day with a
> slicker brush is all it takes, five if your in a real rush.  I finally
> started snapping back that if you don't have ten minutes to spend with
> your dog a day, why do you even have them?

Brushing and grooming your dog, coated or not, is a good bonding experience
and an excellent time to assess your dog...is the skin dry and flaky...do you
find any lumps or bumps...are there changes this time that you didn't see in
the skin, body and coat that you didn't find the last time you brushed your
dog...I always take the time to brush all 3 of my dogs regularly and
carefully run my hands over their bodies. That way, if something is going on
you find it immediately, when it is probably treatable, rather than when it
has gotten out of hand or too late for medical intervention...

Michaelene & Savannah Leigh, neighborhood busy body,
Tony III, my companion, my protector, and
Willow, my gentle Pyrenees girl.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI, USA