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Re: [PyrNet-L] dew claws

Catie,  the breed standard calls foe the double dew claws in the rear,
and they are just that, extra claws, complete with pads etc.  I wrote 
asking if many of the Pyr. folks had problems with them being  ripped
off.  Traditionally that is why Vets. remove dews, to avoid injury.  I
noticed that mine used their dews more than any other breed I had seen. 
Mine have slipped off of rough areas and actually hung and supported
themselves by them.  I think they probably do help them in their native
land.  But I don't know how badly they get injured under those same
circumstances.  I have only one ( Polar Bear ) that carries no dews at
all ( just a quirk of birth, I guess.  Although she is a pretty girl, and
the most mature Pyr. looking of the group as youngsters, at this stage. 
I agree, I do like the look those extra digits give them.  Adds to the
oversized foot look!  If your not going to show, then it becomes a
personal choice I guess.  You do need to be aware that their legs can get
ripped up, and bleeding can be a problem.  On the other hand, on this
breed they do seem extra sturdy!  Hope this helps!  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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