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[PyrNet-L] Chat: Service Men help!

A member of my pet therapy group has a husband in Bosnia. They are owned by a Lab named Maxine! She is wonderful! Anyway-he wrote to me from Bosnia re the therapy program. He also sent me the url for their unit homepage. If anyone would like to send an email to a soldier, I am sure they would appreciate it. The conditions are ....well... I was surprised to learn there are 6 computers set up for email for the men & women!
Being an animal lover I know he would love to hear funny stories etc about your own pets and as they work 7 days a week they could use the break.
Sort of like a cyber-pen pal?
Anyway, if any would like to write to them just go to the following url
and then go to Mike Wilson - HQ Special Staff Section he can direct the emails to any service member or you can specify..
Thanks so much for reading this...I think it must be pretty lonely for them.
Evelyn & JOY.

Evelyn & JOY - Texas
Life is short-Give the dog a BONE!!!
Gitano Road