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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT, Rescue: Vicious dog

In a message dated 12/27/98 4:47:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, MGApeach@aol.com

<< OKAY- I think that this is getting ridiculous. I was not here to read the
 original post, but this is getting very old. If you all want to be
 or want to whine about he-said, she-said, I-said or whatever-do it in your
 private mailboxes. >>

   I for one prefer to deal with it publicly, as the people that write me
privately are way more insulting then and some are even threatening to me and
my Pyr Albert!  I will be blocking them so they cannot e-mail me privately
anymore. Let them say it publicly or not at all! If you do not want to read
these posts simply delete them. Or if you have digest form them scroll past
them. Very simple, very easy!  I agree that things have gotten ridiculous and
I will likely unsubscribe to this list and all the others after this is over.
I have had the dog owner attribute a letter to me as the original poster on
the Flockguard list that I never even wrote or even saw. If anyone who knows
me read it they would know that I do not write such ignorant sounding drivel.
I am fuming because it is something I totally disagree with!! This has been
posted twice to that list now!!  I have asked for an apology and asked the
list owner for a retraction.  I am still waiting for both.... Meanwhile
everyone thinks I wrote the garbage!

Janice Vocke 