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[PyrNet-L] RE: Barking

I have been sitting here reading letters and a thought just came into my head.
Why would someone buy a pyr and not expect it to bark?  I mean, what does LGD
stand for?  To me, that would be a dead giveway.  I'm just curious what "Large
guard dog" meant to the owner.
Now that I created a minor frenzy with my feelings about surgical debarking
and electric shock I thought I would make you all feel good by telling you a
little tale.  When I was 15 my cousin had come out to the farm for a weekend.
as we were in one of the back pastures, he challenged me to take a pee and see
if I could hit the electric wire on the fence.  Never thinking that
electricity accepts water as a conductor, I did it.  I will honestly tell you
that I thought I would be fatherless for my entire life.  I guess that why I
understand electric shock.  Which only shows that this little country bumpkin
got taken.  Of course, I got even by supposedly holding up the barbed wire on
a fence one day and as my cousin crawled through the opening, I let it drop.
That'll teach a city slicker from tricking a country bumpkin.