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Re: [PyrNet-L] Flock Guardian Pyr Problem

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:17:07 EST, Mantas5@aol.com wrote:

>Just a question - do those of you declaring the rights of this dog to life
>actively participate in your local Rescue efforts?  Do you foster for
>indeterminate time?  Do you pay the vet bills?  The feed bills?  The cost of
>the trainer (this dog would require...).  Do you spend the extra time needed
>to rehabilitate neglected, abandoned animals....
>If not, perhaps it's time you did.  Then you might understand how hard it is
>to save them all....

Now THIS is a good point!! For all the people trying to "save" this biting dog (not 
just this list, but on all the lists this is going around to), what about the other 
hundreds of Pyr sitting on "death row" right now who've never bitten?? The sweet 
little female Pyr who has to be put down because Rescue has paid for the 
heartworm treatments for the last 5 Resuces and just flat doesn't have the money 
to pay for hers??
I just wish people would use their time, money and resources to help the deserving 
dogs! Not the ones who have already proven they're not worthy.
Mitzi Potter 