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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Great treat for Bread-loving pyrs

   Many of us were discussing how much pyrs love bread lately.  I was at PetCo
one day and was picking out a treat for Albert.  I saw some small hard bagels
there. I bought one and he loved it. So I stopped at the store and low &
behold they had day old bagels on sale for two bags for 50 cents!! I bought
four of them and a bag of mini bagels and a baguette (sp?) also. The bagels I
am experimenting with. 2.5 bags I put in oven at 225 degrees until they were
hard. The other bag I threaded on a string and am hanging up to dry them - but
only when I am up and about and Albert has a gate keeping him away from them.
The first night all of a sudden he got excited and was sniffing like crazy. He
got to the gate that keeps him out of the kitchen and looked up at my shelf
where the bagels were hanging and got even more excited!!  Pretty soon he had
his front paws on the gate and was reaching for all he was worth.  Then he
started whinging and eventually howling!!  We were cracking up!!  (I always
have missed his howling!! Nothing like a good pyr howl!!)  Then he started
backing up like he was thinking a running start was called for to get him over
the gate....I said "No! Leave it!" and he pouted for all he was worth and
tried his best to make me feel  like the guilty slime he felt I was for
denying his bread-loving cravings.  OK, eventually I gave in and gave him a
couple fresh from the oven!! So anyway, Albert loves these!!!  Some of them I
cut in half before I baked them for smaller ones.  The baguette (long skinny
french bread type loaf)  I sliced in thick slices and slow-baked at 225
degrees also. If you can watch for great sales like this one, this is a great
snack/treat for them!  And are much cheaper than ones at the pet store and the
bagels are much bigger, too. 

P.S.: Satisfaction guaranteed, if not completely satisfied, send to Albert and
he will gladly eat what your pyr doesn't!!!!  :)  &  :)```

:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.