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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Willow

On Mon, 16 Nov 1998 09:47:17 -0500, Michaelene Sullivan wrote:

>I need to learn as much as I can as quickly as I can so that I am able to keep her safe 
>and well. All breeds have their special "quirks" and I know so very little about Pyrs. Good 
>thing I learned about the off-lead thing or I would have been following her down the street 
>the first time out! I have a fenced yard and she loves to run and play with my GSD! Willow 
>will also run around the house with the other dogs like there is no tomorrow playing and 
>smiling! She's so darling!

>> Sure, they become "deaf" sometimes when you call them

>Don't know if Willow is like that or not yet...she is just learning her new name and finding
>where everything is in the house and outside, as well. I'm prepared for it though...it'll be a
>toughie for me, however, because I am used to the "stop on a dime and come" that my 
>GSD has...oh, well, it will teach me patience!

I was used to the "instant obedience" of my Goldens also. And actually all mine will come 
when I call them (I never let even my Goldens off lead outside the fence), it's just that 2 out 
of the 6 take their own sweet time about it :-)  My female rescue Pyr comes running as fast 
as she can when I call her.

>And in the snow! There's a gentle snow falling in Upper Michigan this morning...she 
>blended in perfectly with the terrain!

Oohh, they love the snow! I've got to finally drag mine in the house when it (seldom) snows. 
They'll be caked with snowballs so thick they can hardly walk and still not want to come 

>She's not barked yet and has had plenty of opportunities because my GSD, Tony, takes 
>the patrolling of his yard very seriously! Her previous family said that she barked very
>little...we'll see...

Some don't bark much. I think the tendancy to bark is a little overrated with Pyrs. Some do 
bark more than other breeds, but not every ONE of them. Some are relatively quiet dogs.

>I had been thinking of one for several months and this adoption just popped up! Must be 
>fate. I love big dogs, loving dogs and dogs that I can hug and pet without bending down 
>much...perfect for me and for my household!

I love mine to a fault! And that's one of the things I like about Pyrs, I can grab my males' 
heads and hug them and they're heads are even with my ribs, don't have to bend over at 
all LOL!!
You'll be hooked <BG>. I found it literally impossible to stop at just 1, or 2...or 3....or....well, 
that's a story for another day :-)))
~Mitzi  Potter   
~Pyrs@prodigy.net   Okla City   OK