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[PyrNet-L] ATTENTION: Anybody affiliated with basset hound rescue?

i was in the boston animal rescue league today turning in a stray cat from
the back alley and there was a 3 year old basset in there for adoption
(thank god it wasn't a pyr, i'd have quite a full house on my hands).  i'm
assuming the same procedure applies for other breed rescues where they
would rather bring the dogs into their own rescue in order to get the dogs
into the right hands.  unfortunately this is a kill shelter; therefore,
time is of the essence.  i looked up some phone numbers on the net but if
any of you know someone who is affiliated with basset rescue have them
email me at sdobscha@bentley.edu  and i will give them the info.

actually while i was there another dog came in (yes, i'm depressed) and it
was a german shepherd puppy.  that dog will not last long at this shelter
because one of the workers came out and tried to pet him and the dog
snapped at him.  anyway, the woman's reasons for giving this beautiful
shepherd up:
1.  he's too big (duh, he's a german shepherd!)
2.  i live in a small apartment (did you always live there and didn't you
think of that already?)
3.  i don't have a yard (did you think one would magically appear after you
get the dog)

so i guess german shepherd rescue should also be alerted but this dog
looked like it had some problems with strangers.  so if any of you know
anyone from g.s. rescue also have them contact me.
