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Re: [PyrNet-L] chat: help ASAP

On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 18:40:03 -0500, SDOBSCHA@lnmta.bentley.edu wrote:

>"giving pyr hugs" is a specific behavior where pyrs will stand up and put
>their front paws on your shoulders.  i'm very much against my pyr doing
>that to total strangers or people just entering the house because not all
>people are comfortable having a 100 lb dog staring at them in the face.  i
>actually love that pyrs want to give hugs and at first i would let seamus
>do this to me, but i started dissuading him after the aggression problems
>surfaced and after he attempted it with people who came over to the house.

It's also a very very dominant/alpha behavior for dogs (as you know now). This is something I 
would never allow even my very people submissive Pyrs do. They're taught "feet on the ground" 
from the time they're 8 wks old, no exceptions.
Mitzi Potter    Okla City   OK