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[PyrNet-L] As the barn burns
My minature farm has turned into a sopa opera....I need my own time slot
on animal planet.. ;)
In the last episode, Freeway, AKA, road kill or KFC, was
desperately seeking to gain the affections of Patou...Patou, who is the
only true love of two battling sister geese, has been ever diligent to
refuse the danign, crowing, and even wing flashing of the obviously love
dilerious, Freeway. The other night the unimaginable
happened....Freeway finally lost his cool and began trying to mate with
poor Patou...(who says he was asleep and was unaware of the whole
thing)...and the sister geese walked in...
It was not a pretty sight....feathers are every where...and poor
Patou is still trying to find out why the gees won't "talk" to him any
more...I think Freeway will recover...but boy does he have a new respect
for those geese!
If the barn yard fowl only knew they were fighting over a dog
who really loves the goats any how.....
Adrienne Wilder
Murrayville GA
"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"
Home of:
The golden gang,
Patou and the evil sister geese.
and many stray cats.