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[PyrNet-L] more about grooming

I have another "helpful(I hope)hint" for grooming.  I keep a kiddie pool on the deck with a couple of inches of water in it for when my little excavatress just can't help herself & has to dig.  I just get her to dip her paws in it, she thinks it's great fun. Then I get a towel & dry the paws.......also, I put down a big piece of that green indoor/outdoor stuff that is supposed to look like grass, in front of the back door.  It all helps to keep from tracking dirt inside on the carpeting. 
Christina, I'm going to see if I can get Joe to send a picture of Heidi thru our scanner this week-end. I'm going to specifically try to get that curly hair so we can compare notes.  This is great fun!!!!
Kathy, Joe, Chewbear(Sammy) and Heidi(pyr)
Wish you well.. Woof, Woof