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[PyrNet-L] our dominant little beast

Re: "My 4 Pyrs act exactly like your Travis. But what's funny is that you
call it "dominant" and I've always called it "submissive" LOL! Why do
you think it's dominant?"

My post wasn't worded very well, as I really didn't get into Travis'
dominant behavior, just his "non-aggressive" ways. At four years he's a
love now, but that's after three puppy obedience classes, private lessons
at $40/hour, and enough frustration to fill the Grand Canyon. From the
moment in Maine when we drove off with little puppy Travis, he tried to
assert his dominion over us, poking us in the car with his little foot and
nipping at our ears.  The first night, tied by a short leash to the
bedpost, with great glee he tore the drapes, curtain rod and brackets out
of the plaster wall and then proceeded to shred the underside of the box
spring.  If you walked past him in the yard he would launch himself at your
derriere from twenty feet away and rip a hole in your jeans.  Any attempt
at discipline by turning him over and holding him down with your hand on
his stomach only escalated him into greater and greater fury, until we
finally gave up that method and adopted the "soothing" bearhug instead
(worked much better).  As a pup he always tried to bite us on the face and
as a teenager would leap to nip our shoulders - all in good clean fun (!).
But he has settled down wonderfully now - daily training in down stays
helped a lot - and mostly tries to manipulate us mentally - much easier to