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Re: [PyrNet-L] Work, Show or Pet?

We went through this on the Jeff's list and different people
offered their views as to some dogs are just better guardians than others.
Which is the same as saying some dogs have better conformation,
or are more intelligent.  Dogs are individuals, as people
are, and they can't all be lumped together in a group expecting all to
have the same level of guarding abilities.

In each litter I raise I look for the best puppy for each family or situation
the pup will be going to.  I have to make the decision of whether I think
a pup has the confidence to be a LGD or if it will do better
as someone's companion.  I have been doing this selection for over 20
years with a high rate of success.  Linda Weisser, Catherine de la Cruz,
Sharon Armstrong, Kathy Liles, the list goes on of people who have
chosen which pups they feel will be the better LGDs in a litter.

A personal story.  I was given a pyr several years ago which originated
from a breeder in the Southwest.  No matter how much we tried, this dog
would not accept our livestock and was a danger to them.  She was placed
with a family with a fenced yard.

Jeff Green and Roger Woodruff also found that some pyrs had a better
working attitude and ability than others.  A pyr that needs a great deal
of human contact would not do well out with a range band.  It could work
on a smaller family farm or even better, be a house companion.

Things I feel make a good LGD, a dog who will stay with the livestock or
in it's territory and be a deterrent to loses.  Breeders with the knowledge
and experience available to help the buyer.  Access to printed articles or
to others with the knowledge they are willing to share.   Owners who
will work with the dog through the good and problem times and will not put
the animal in a "no win" situation.  A LGD is not a dog that is just tossed
out in a field, it is an animal that has taken more than one person many
hours of time from planning the breeding to the adult animal doing a
successful job.