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RE: [PyrNet-L] Pyr puppy prices

Darrell wrote:

While there
is certainly some value in seeing what wins, I think it is too often a
factor of soundness and handlers, and type is too often ignored. Way too
many judges just want to see a dog that moves and shows well, and looks
pretty, and they wouldn't know a good pyr from a Saint or a Kuvasz.

This just sort of blew me away.  It definitely shows how different breeds
have different complaints about the show ring.  In watching Shelties, I have
seen far too many beautiful, typey Shelties who couldn't move than nice
moving Shelties that weren't as typey.  I personally would give up some of
the extreme typeyness (is that a word?) and excessive amount of hair (this
is a working breed after all) for a Sheltie that can move and is sound.  I
find the best thing for me is competing in performance events as well as
conformation.  You get to see the beautiful type in the conformation ring,
the intelligence in the obedience ring, the instinct in the herding arena,
and the agility in the agility ring.  And performance dogs must be sound.
It makes me want it all in one dog and that is what I breed for - a
versatile Sheltie. 

So, while I agree that showing or at least watching conformation shows is a
good way to keep your knowledge of the breed current (and avoid kennel
blindness) I also believe you should take in to consideration factors such
as intelligence and instinct when determining if a particular dog is
breeding quality.  
