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Re: [PyrNet-L] RE: ear problems and coat colouration.

In a message dated 98-03-18 15:37:32 EST, you write:

<< I seem to remember that a mixture of 1 part rubbing alcohol, 1 part white
 vinegar and 1 part water can be used to flush ears and balance the ph so
 that the dog will not get fungus infections. So far, (knock on wood) we have
 never had ear problems so I haven't tried it.  Am I right about the
 Charlotte >>

Charlotte - I use almost the same mixture, but I don't do the water.  I have a
bitch that has a narrow ear cannal and the water was not evaporating from her
ear.   The alcohol and vinegar did.  

This simple this is a miracle.  I do it once a week to all of my dogs - no ear
problems:-)  (Even in the cockers!)
