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[pbmserv] chmeee seeks Twixt opponents
I want to try to improve my rating. Handicap games are NOT rated!
So, PLEASE DO challenge me to a rated game!
twixt challenge chmeee yourname
twixt challenge yourname chmeee
but please, not both at the same time.
I offer handicaps if you want. The smallest handicap in Twixt is
called move handicap:
twixt challenge yourname chmeee -handicap=0
I will not swap your first move. For larger handicaps, the board
changes shape. You will move first with no swap, AND you will
have less distance to cross. For example,
twixt challenge yourname chmeee -handicap=-6
would produce a board 18 rows high and 24 columns wide. Thanks to
Paul van Wamelen and whoever else was involved, for the excellent
Twixt GUI display. Choose whatever handicap you want! NOTE the
value should be negative.
If you feel ambitious, I welcome challenges on larger boards,
up to 36 holes on each side. Use the -size= option in your
challenge. Please don't combine the -size and -handicap options
in the same challenge.