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Re: [pbmserv] Go end of game dispute
- To: pbmserv-users@gamerz.net
- Subject: Re: [pbmserv] Go end of game dispute
- From: Lyman Hurd <lhurd@yahoo.com>
- Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 06:32:54 -0800 (PST)
- Authentication-results: play.gamerz.net header.From=lhurd@yahoo.com; domainkeys=pass
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- In-reply-to: <607865d30512140541u67335da2s38146937fc2bbe3e@mail.gmail.com>
- Reply-to: lhurd@yahoo.com
- Sender: owner-pbmserv-users@gamerz.net
Well unfortunately as you know go above all games
requires some degree of gentlemanly conduct (or
ladylike). I would suggest taking advantage of the
fact that the server does not penalize games you don't
start and quietly drop him from your personal "people
I will play games with" list.
Overall I have seen almost none of this sort of
behavior but I know it exists. I recall hearing that
in games with a "swap" option that there used to be a
bug that would not correct the time clocks so that by
waiting until the last minute and then swapping one
could force ones opponent to forfeit.
It is best in these circumstances to move on and carry
on with your life as your opponent clearly doesn't
have one.
--- Ezequiel Martín Cámara
<ezequiel.martin.camara@gmail.com> wrote:
> Eric said:
> > Damn, swarthoutg. Just resign already
> I have asked him already to... It is not a big deal,
> just a matter of
> keeping the record straight. Even if there was a way
> of penalizing or
> blacklisting, you can always change usernames (There
> is a gswarthout
> in the rankings, with no losses).
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