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Re: [pbmserv] Triangular game?
- To: "PBeM, maillist" <pbmserv-users@gamerz.net>
- Subject: Re: [pbmserv] Triangular game?
- From: Mark Thompson <markthom@flash.net>
- Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 05:10:52 -0800 (PST)
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> | Triangular grid: six cells meet per intersection.
> |
> | Hexagonal grid: three cells meet per intersection.
How about a triangular variation of Glass Bead
The game has simple rules, and is pretty much
determined by what you choose for the board, and how
you define the "influence" rule. In Triangular Glass
Bead Challenge, since a cell has three different kinds
of neighbors, you might want to define a stone to have
three different levels of influence depending on its
spatial relationship with each neighbor. Thus if XX is
a stone, it might have 3 points of influence on a cell
that shares an edge, 2 points on the "closer" cells
that share a corner, and 1 point on the "farther" cell
that shares a corner, like this:
/\ /\
/2 \ 1/2 \
/\ 3 /\ 3 /\
/2 \ /XX\ /2 \
\ 1 /\ 3 /\ 1 /
\ /2 \ / 2\ /
So if X was the only player in the neighborhood, X
would temporarily own all these cells, but if O
dropped a stone just beyond the border of this
diagram, that stone's influence would overpower some
of X's and might take control of some cells, and/or
turn some cells neutral again.
The rules for Glass Bead Challenge are described in
that link I gave. Briefly, you can drop a stone onto
any cell that isn't "owned". A cell is "owned" if one
player has more "influence" on it than the other
player does. Each stone exerts "influence" on its
neighbors. In traditional GBC the grid is square and
each stone has one point of influence on all 8
neighboring cells. When no more moves are possible the
game is ended, and the player with more territory
Mark Thompson