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Re: [pbmserv] Broadcast from kiwibill via PBM Server
'Twas 08:57 PM -0500 on Thursday 11/18/2004 when pbmserv@gamerz.net wrote:
I suggest the following variation. For simplicity, I will abandon suits,
and use simple numbers one thru n. To beat the card in play you need to
cover it with a card higher, but by no more than m. Furthermore, it wraps
around, so every card is beaten by exactly m cards. The values of n and m
are arbitrarily selected when the game starts.
Say the size of the deck is 12 and the covering number is 3. Cards are
randomly dealt to start the game:
Me: 1 5 7 10 11 12
You: 2 3 4 6 8 9
I start with 1. You can cover with 2, 3, or 4. You play 3, I play 5, you
play 8, I play 11, you play 2 (11 is beaten by 12, 1, or 2), I eat it.
I am sure there are values for n and m where this game is intriguing. No,
I don't want to play. I hate games like this.
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