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[pbmserv] Broadcast from marathon via PBM Server
_/ \_ A B S T R A C T A . . . _ _
/ \_/ \ . . . M A R A T H O N / \_/ \
\_/ \...the first ABSTRACT GAMES MARATHON.../ \_/
through the PbeM Server\_/
Final round of Connect4x4
The following players take part in final tournament,
- drp
- imperatore
- jeanp-a
- mmammel
- pergioco
Site: www.pergioco.net/Abstracta.htm (italian)
www.pergioco.net/AbstractaE.htm (english)
In the site you can find the rules of the games (in italian) and the links
to the english rules on PBeM site.
http://clik.to/Abstrakta Progetto Abstrakta (Italian site)