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RE: [pbmserv] Gameshops in Venice
>I realize that Catan is a game from Germany, but to me a game where
>yells "I need sheep" is not typical of German games.
Au contraire; the Germans are quite obviously obsessed with sheep in
their games... off the top of my head, the following games contain sheep
in greater or lesser quantities:
Animal Olympics
War & Sheep (English title)
... I'm sure there are many more!
CH3 Stephen Tavener
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From: owner-pbmserv-users@gamerz.net
[mailto:owner-pbmserv-users@gamerz.net] On Behalf Of Randall Bart
Sent: 01 October 2004 14:06
To: Gamerz Users
Subject: Re: [pbmserv] Gameshops in Venice
'Twas 06:36 AM -0700 on Thursday 9/30/2004 when Lyman Hurd wrote:
>are typified by games such as Settlers of Catan.
I realize that Catan is a game from Germany, but to me a game where
yells "I need sheep" is not typical of German games.
RB |\ Randall Bart
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