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[pbmserv] [pbmserv@gamerz.net: Message from dshort via da grapevine]

----- Forwarded message from the grapevine via <pbmserv@gamerz.net> -----

This worked its way to me via the grapevine...  Anyone care to step up 
to the plate for running his tournaments?   (I'll assist setting up 
pools, etc.   but player disputes and deciding who gets seeded where is
completely up to the tournament director)

[begin message]
I recently spoke to my good friend David Short (userid: dshort) who asked me to
make this broadcast to let you know that several weeks ago his computer
suffered a major computer crash.  He has not had the time or resources to fix
it yet.  To compound matters, he has also told me that he is currently
experiencing some personal problems in his life which he has asked me not to
reveal.  The end result of this is that he cannot at this time give any
accurate prediction of when he will be back online.  If and when he does he
will ask Richard Rognlie to restore all of his forfeited games (assuming his
opponents have no objection to this).
In the meantime David ... also asks someone else to organize the new
tournaments in Scramble (multi-player), hypergammon and Omegachess that he had
been planning to run. More than one individual could run these events
separately and broadcast their email address to solicit entries.

Dshort tells me that if he is able to get back online it will probably be as a
contestant in these tournaments only - he does not anticipate being able to
have the time to run or oversee them again.

Some of these tournaments will require more management than others.  Until his
return David asks me to relay all messages of good will to him.  Please do not
contact me for more info on what is happening to David as I have been made to
promise not to reveal it.  Please respect his privacy and his wishes.
[end message]
----- End forwarded message -----

 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
 \__/  \ | http://www.gamerz.net/~rrognlie    <rrognlie at gamerz.net>
 /  \__/ |      I didn't say it was your fault,
 \__/    |      I only said I was going to blame you for it