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Re: Wizard scoring change?
I'm curious why you want to encourage low bidding. I find that most
rounds are underbid. I would rather encourage aggresive play, ie rounds
were there are usually too many tricks bid. Could the "-soft" option be
changed to "-favorlow" and have an opposite called "-favorhigh"?
Second, I think it would be cool if the bonus for making your bid exactly
were (hand number) * 2, so an exact bid on round one would get you 2; an
exact bid on round 15 would get you 30.
On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Richard Rognlie wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 08:23:51AM -0600, Reed, Jim wrote:
> > I'd prefer to give the 20 point bonus only when you make your bid exactly.
> > In table form:
> >
> > if you fail to take enough tricks... -10 * undertricks
> > if you make your bid exactly... 20 + 10 * bid
> > if you take too many tricks... 10 * bid + overtricks
> >
> > for every 5 tricks you go over, 50 point penalty.
> >
> > so instead of a 50 point penalty with NO points earned for
> > the tricks you did take... You'd get the 10 points for each
> > of those tricks. -45 pts penalty when you hit the 5 overtrick
> > point. perhaps equalling back to 0, perhaps not.
> I've implemented the above as an option (-soft). Anyone game?
> --
> / \__ | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
> \__/ \ | http://www.gamerz.net/rrognlie/ <rrognlie@gamerz.net>
> / \__/ | Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Of course,
> \__/ | so was yesterday, and look how you screwed *that* up...
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