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RE: Wizard scoring change?
First, pardon Stephen for the blank reply I sent to
your address. Just another random brain spasm.
Second, I think your scoring suggestion would be an
excellent change/variant for Blackout. I don't like
the blackout scoring at all. You miss one bid and it
takes everyone else missing a bid or three or four
successful high bids to catch up. The game is usually
decided by about round 7.
As I said to Richard earlier, I think being brutally
punished for missing a bid is most of the challenge
and fun of Wizard. There's a reward for aggressive
play, allowing someone to come from behind.
The biggest drawback of wizard's scoring and play is
that new players tend to bid way out of line and screw
things up. That usually balances out after a while as
the newbies get better or the experienced players
start ignoring their bids.
--- Stephen Tavener <stephen.tavener@bbc.co.uk> wrote:
> Might I suggest scoring similar to David Parlett's
> 99?
> For each trick: 1 point
> If you make your bid exactly: + 10 * ( [number of
> players] - [number of
> players making their bid exactly] )
> My opinions only...
> Best 3-player whist variant: 99
> http://www.pagat.com/exact/99.html
> Best 4-player whist variant: bridge
> Best 5-player whist variant: fuenf
> http://www.pagat.com/invented/fuenf.html
> Stephen
> --
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