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Re: Wizard scoring change?
From: Richard Rognlie <rrognlie@gamerz.net>
Subject: Wizard scoring change?
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 06:22:54 -0500
> I am considering a "soft" bidding option for wizard.
> currently, the scoring is...
> if you fail to take enough tricks... -10 * undertricks
> if you make your bid exactly... 20 + 10 * bid
> if you take too many tricks... -10 * overtricks
> The soft option would change the scoring to...
> if you fail to take enough tricks... -10 * undertricks
> if you make your bid exactly... 20 + 10 * bid
> if you take too many tricks... 20 + 10 * bid + overtricks
> However, there *is* a penalty to taking too many tricks. If you
> take a total of 5 or more overtricks, you take a 50 point penalty.
> Comments?
I've never played wizard on the server, but I've played it a lot with
cards. We then had a similar game with these bidding options and they
actually spoil the game because you then tend to bid way below what you
think you'll take. It may be a nice option for beginners but it would be
a bad default choice.