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Fwd: message organization
>>Aside from the freeing ramifications of each message's last three
>>lines, it occurs to me that this mailing list would be a lot more
>>useful if it were broken down a bit more. Would it be possible to
>>have a mailing list for each type of game on the server, that could
>>be subscribed to independently of the others?
>this suggestion has been made periodically over the past couple
>years, i'm not sure if anybody's ever created subboards or not, or
>if they're still active. one problem is that some people who play a
>lot of different types of games are not interested in having to
>subscribe to a different board for each game. i personally like the
>digest because it includes everything in one email, comes once a
>day, and takes about a minute to read.
>if there is multiple boards, then people who send out messages have
>to have a way to determine which boards get their message, and know
>how to do it, and they run a risk that certain people who might be
>interested in it might not get their message because they don't
>subscribe to that board. sharky6000 would have had to send his
>message out to 4 different boards.
I think your suggestion is fairly adequate - to just use the digest.
It doesn't seem like it would be too hard, though, to set up a
user-friendly system that would allow simple management of a list for
each game. If you could use the following commands to
esquire@gamerz.net, would it be troublesome?
subscribe all
unsubscribe all
subscribe chess_group ataxx checkers wari connect4
unsubscribe checkers_group connect4 amazons
The newbie question is also easily resolved: everyone starts in a
'newbie' or 'general' list, that one can wean off of as they learn
about the others. A few people will undoubtedly keep themselves on
the newbie group in order to help the real newbies.
It doesn't seem that this sort of thing would be very hard to
implement or to use, and it would have the advantage of increased
user participation. It seems to me that there are probably a number
of users that don't subscribe to the list because it's just too much
spam. But if it were just spam relating to their favorite game, well,
that might be a different matter entirely.
But, as I said, I'm just switching to the digest. I've said my piece
and I like the idea, but I'm not in the business of changing the way
people do things.
All the best,
PS If anyone out there knows Crawdad in person, please slap him for
me. I've been waiting far too long for him to make his move.