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Broadcast from psalnikov via PBM Server
Dear renju friends,
Take part in the World Championship via e-mail!
This year tournament, so as previous, will be held in 3 leagues: High League
(Group A, 12 participants), First League (Groups B and C, 12 participants
each) and Second League (Groups D, E, F, G, H and I).
6 top players from Groups B and C (3 players from each) will play in the
High League next year instead of 6 bottom players from Group A. 12 top
players from Groups D-I (2 players from each) will play in the First League
next year instead of bottom 12 players from Groups B and C (6 players from
The tournament is held at PBeM Server (http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv).
Time control - 135 days to each player for all game. Besides that, there is
an additional rule used at the server - 21 days per 1 move.
Starting date is March 3, 2003. Deadline for applications is February 16,
All renju fans are invited to take part in the tournament!
An application should consist of:
1. Name
2. Country
3. E-mail
4. Userid at PBeM Server
Please, send your applications to both:
Alexey Potapov (e-mail a-potapov@yandex.ru, ICQ 138599240), Chief Referee
(instead of Igor Sinyov)
Pavel Salnikov (e-mail psalnikov@hotmail.com, ICQ 105896625), just trying to
help :)
Now High League and First League look like as follows:
High League
(Final of 8th Renju World Championship via e-mail)
Group A
No Participant Country Userid
1 Lunkin Vitaly (RUS) lunkin
2 Zhang Jinyu (CHI) freefish
3 Dvoeglazov Vladimir (RUS) dvoeglazov
4 Nosovsky Alexandr (RUS) nosovs
5 Laibinis Linas (LIT) llaibini
6 Nikonov Konstantin (RUS) vanalaud
7 Ibragimova Mariam (RUS) mariam
8 Klimachev Oleg (RUS) klimatchev
9 Chen Wei (CHI) chinastar
10 Barykin Viktor (RUS) vbarykin
11 Makarov Pavel (RUS) mak
12 Sinyov Igor (RUS) sinyovi
First League
(Semifinals of 9th Renju World Championship via e-mail)
Groups B and C
No Participant Country Userid
1 Soosorv Ants (EST) asoosorv
2 Filippov Sergej (RUS) filippov
3 Fedorkin Oleg (RUS) fedorkin
4 Bobkov Evgeny (RUS) bobkove
5 Salnikov Pavel (RUS) psalnikov
6 Kozhin Mikhail (RUS) jenaro
7 Golosov Viktor (RUS) golosov
8 Dzainukov Eldar (AZR) dem
9 Yamamoto Mitsuo (JAP) myamamoto
10 Lu Fanghai (CHI) lujiu
11 Filinov Vladimir (RUS) vfilinov
12 Salnikova Nonna (RUS) nonna
13 Yang Meng (CHI) frogmeng
14 Heybatov Nizami (AZR) nheybatov
15 Fedulina Tatyana (RUS) tanja
16 Yang Xuzl (CHI) yangxuzl
17 Potapov Alexey (RUS) apotapov
18 Cheng Mu (CHI) moocheng
19 Wenzhe Lu (CHI) luwenzhe
20 Chuancheng Li (CHI) ccwn
21 Sun Chengmin (CHI) scm2000
22 Gulyaev Igor (UKR) gulyaev
23 Taimla Tunnet (EST) tank
24 Alexandrov Viktor (RUS) alexv
Friendly yours,
Pavel Salnikov