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Plakoto/Moultezim Tourney Answers
Here are answers to some of the questions I was asked so far. Sorry for
forgetting to put in the url in my last message.
First the url (thanks to Christian Schou for hosting the site and his work
in setting up and updating the information):
:: :: dzander's Two Tourney: Plakoto / Moultezim
:: :: http://chrschou.subnet.dk/bg/twotourney.htm
-- mirror --> http://home.tiscali.dk/chrschou/bg/
I will send in an update soon. At this url you will see both a chart of
each game number and its participants as well as a chart of each pool and
and each player's win/loss record so far.
As for the tournament: Out of each pool of 7 (or 6) players I will advance
the top two players who win the most games. If there are ties with the
second place player then those who tie will also advance.
This is how I distributed the players: I took each player's ranking in the
standings and distributed them in each pool like so:
poolA poolB poolC poolD
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 16 17
18 ...etc
Douglas Zander