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Re: For Amazons Players - Upcoming Tournament

> what is "komi bidding"  

Assuming that the first player has an advantage, komi is what each
player is willing to pay in order to play first. At the end of the game
the player who moved first must have "komi" free moves in order to win.
Here is a description of the komi on GGS:

 "The GGS one step komi approach is handled automatically by GGS: both
  start thinking about the first move. Then they send it along with
  estimated game result. The server averages those numbers and assigns
  accordingly (the player thinking black's score is larger than the
average (=komi)
  gets black."

> and what is "total move differential"???

Move differential is the square difference by which a player wins a
game. The total difference for all the games of a certain player will be
considered for tie-breaking.

> Also, what exactly is "random starting positions"???  Are the 4 piece
> of each player randomly scattered on the board? Are there any arrows
> on the board at the start?

Yes, the pieces are randomly scattered on the board. There are no arrows
at the starting position.

Theo (userid: theo).