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[pbmserv-dev] request for game

Hello developers,  someone on this server really really wants a game and I
promised him I'd look into programming it but I don't know if I can do it.  I
thought I'd ask if any programmer would like to tackle this challenge.  It is a
television show prediction game.  What you would do is someone would make a
prediction about their favorite television show and give a day and time that
betting ends.  Any number of players would "join" the game with a predetermined
amount of points and then the players would make bets either "This will
happen/I agree/true" or "This will not happen/I disagree/false" and bet a
certain number of points on their prediction.  Then the person who submitted
the sentence would determine if it actually happened by watching the show and
entering whether it happened or not. (he could ask others if he missed the
show) The winners would get a percentage of the total bets depending on how
much they bet and the losers would lose points.  If the prediction truth was
undeterminal then noone would lose or win points.  Players could enter as many
sentences about the show as they wished.  (that is part of the fun; trying to
guess things that will happen on your favorite tv show) Each game would be
on-going for the entire week, month, season or even for years or the duration
of the show. Players could start a game for each of their shows they watch.

  If you want to discuss this with me feel free to email me personally or
discuss here.  Thanks for listening.


Douglas Zander  Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
As of September 13th, 2005 I became a Great Uncle for the first time.
As of November 2nd, 2005 I became a Great Uncle for the second time!

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