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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Coloured characters

On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 08:13:16AM +1000, Cameron Browne wrote:
> I've had a request for a game with coloured pieces (ie red, green, blue etc 
> not black/white).
> Is it possible to set the colour of specific characters in moves that are 
> mailed out?

Not in text/plain (aka ASCII) as it it normally sent out.  

Yes, you might try to embed ANSI/vt100/xterm escape sequences to do
special things but those may/may not work on everyone's mail reader.
It would be decidedly non-portable, and a violation of the long standing
policy of pbmserv to pander to the lowest common demoninator (ASCII email).

The other alternative would be to make the mail msg a MIME
multipart/alternative.  With one part being text/ascii (as it normally).
Then you'd also want to create a text/html part that is more colorful.

But that solution would not "fit" in the standard code library.

(it might be interesting to investigate *how* we might go about doing 
that, however)

 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sultan of Sendmail / Gamerz.NET Lackey
 \__/  \ | http://www.gamerz.net/rrognlie/ <rrognlie at gamerz.net>
 /  \__/ | 
 \__/    | CAUTION: may contain Mature material......but I doubt it.