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Re: [pbmserv-dev] questions about Werewolf game

--- Douglas Zander <dzander@solaria.sol.net> wrote:
> The help file does not seem to be complete.  What
> are the following 
> options and what do they mean?
> "dawn"

Instead of the game starting with werewolves killing a
player.  The game starts with werewolves having killed
John Doe, and the village lynches someone.

> "medic"

The medic is like the angel, except they protect
against mafia.

> "mason(1)"   why is there a 1 after the word mason? 
> I know that the
>              masons know each other but what does
> the (1) mean?

The number of masons is dependent on the total number
of players.  The number will change when the game
starts.  Perhaps, instead of a 1, it could be
programmed to show # or something similar.

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