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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Those wacky provisionals
"so, if the opponent was established with a rating of
a little more than 2000"
Hmmm, the preceding email said that there wasn't such
a player. There may be a slight problem with the
formula for small N.
Here's a code snippet from ratings.cpp simplified for
the case where there is 0 handicap and player2 is
int rating1 = before.Rating(ix1);
value = effrat2 + 400*outcome;
newrating = (rating1*games1+value)/(games1+1) +
We assume effrat2 is the true rating of our
established opponent, and outcome = 1 (our newbie
won), the wildcard here is the assumed value of
rating1. I plugged in an assumption of 1600 for
rating1 and cannot reach the observed levels. Are we
sure that the initial rating (as passed in via before)
is correct?
I set up a spreadsheet to try out various values and I
don't think that the observed results are possible
unless rating1 is smaller!
But, provisional ratings don't mean much (at least for
the first few games). This situation is exactly why a
provisional rating can go down even with wins!
I am more concerned about the use of ratings in
multiplayer games. The formula used assumes a net
zero change in ratings when two players play.
However, in a game with one winner and greater than
one loser this rule is violated!
--- Richard Rognlie <rrognlie@gamerz.net> wrote:
> We all know the rating system (while you are
> provisional) can give
> counterintuitive results. but it works.
> so... we have a case where 1 player is provisional
> (no games completed)
> vs. 1 player whose status we don't know.
> Let's assume the other player is also provisional.
> The player gets an assumed rating of 1600. the
> other player has a rating
> of N (say... 2000?). Average them (1800). And add
> 200 (2000). *then* add the skew back towards 1720
> (1944).
> not enough to get even close to the 2114 rating. so
> assume that
> that's not possible.
> Now let's assume a game against an established
> player.
> assumed rating 1600 vs. say 2000 (average 1800) +
> 400 (2200)
> skew to 2104. (so, if the opponent was established
> with a rating of
> a little more than 2000, it's possible that the
> rating would turn
> out to 21xx.
> but it's a *provisional* rating. It really doesn't
> matter.
> The established player loses nothing against a
> provisional player's
> first game.
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 03:38:27PM -0500, Marc
> Lanctot wrote:
> > The point was that it's a bug that should be
> fixed.
> >
> > Marc
> >
> >
> >
> > Martin Moller Pedersen wrote:
> >
> > >[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to
> ASCII...]
> > >-> I just noticed that jon.dann has a provisional
> Quoridor rating of 2119
> > >-> after playing one game. Since the highest
> established rating is 1790,
> > >and -> the second highest provisional is 1824, I
> am wondering how this
> > >-> occurred. I thought a provisional couldn't be
> more than 200 above the
> > >-> player he beat. This suggests that the rating
> system can be cleverly
> > >abused.
> > >
> > >How can it cleverly be abused ?
> > >If a provisional player has a very high rating
> but has only played a
> > >singled game
> > >and he then plays and lose a game against a
> established player, then the
> > >established player doesn't got more than a few
> points.
> > >
> > >/Martin
> > >
> > >
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> --
> / \__ | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja /
> Gamerz.NET Lackey
> \__/ \ | http://www.gamerz.net/rrognlie/
> <rrognlie@gamerz.net>
> / \__/ | Today is the first day of the rest of
> your life. Of course,
> \__/ | so was yesterday, and look how you
> screwed *that* up...
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